Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fourth Entry: The leadership Theory that closely matches my Leadership style...

Identify what leadership theory most closely matches your leadership style. Explain why.
After long thought about this question and reading the different theories, I can certainly say that the Relationship and Participative theories most closely relate to me. Whenever I am performing a task, I always try to lead by example. I would not expect my students or staff to perform negatively if I have a negative attitude.The best leaders do not lead with an iron fist. Actually, in most cases the best leaders lead with distinction and by example.
The second theory that relates to me is the participative theory. I also believe that a successful leader encourages input from staff or followers and weighs his or her options before making decisions. Of course I know that I cannot make every person happy with each decision I make, but allowing my staff voice their opinions will certainly help me to determine which needs should be addressed at the current time. When a leader listens to the voices of their staff demonstrates a level of appreciation and comfort staff need. It also helps make the build staff relations and morale.
Explain how that style could benefit your school
The Relationship style and the participative style could benefit my school by helping improve staff morale. My staff will feel closer to one another and know they are valued within the school. I believe necessary changes could be made when the staff has a voice in my decisions. The school could benefit from improved morale among teachers because they will ultimately pass a higher morale to my students. The students success is our goal and with a higher morale the students will thrive.

1 comment:

  1. I completely relate to what you about those theories being the closest to you. I selected the same two plus I had a third runner up: Behavioral. I think those three are vital for teachers so it only makes sense that we relate to them as leaders.
